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he Fountain of Youth may be fiction, but there really is a magic gene pool in northern Italy. A few decades ago, researchers discovered that, despite unhealthy cholesterol levels, 40 inhabitants of the village of Limone sul Garda were seemingly immune to heart disease. Turns out it wasn’t the famed Mediterranean diet at work, but rather a variation of a proteinin HDL cholesterol (the good kind) called ApoA-1 Milano. In less scientific terms, the villagers were born with self-cleaning arteries.

Researchers immediately went to work creating a synthetic version of the plaque-busting protein. And in 2003, they created one. Problem is, the drug is still too expensive to mass produce.

Luckily, you don’t have to wait for a magic drug to improve your cholesterol. Here are 15 ways to raise your HDL or lower your LDL (the bad cholesterol) today. The best part: Doing so will literally cost you peanuts—or even less.

1. Eat more nuts. In an analysis of 25 different studies on walnuts, pecans, almonds, peanuts, pistachios, and macadamia nuts, researchers at Loma Linda University found that eating 67 grams of nuts per day—that’s a little more than two ounces—increased the ratio of HDL to LDL in the blood by 8.3 percent. And Australian scientists found that when men replaced 15 percent of their daily calorie intake with macadamia nuts—12 to 16 nuts a day—their HDL levels went up by 8 percent. Even better: You can eat nuts covered in chocolate or rolled in cocoa powder; a Japanese study found that the polyphenols in chocolate activate genes that increase HDL production.

YOU, IMPROVED: Click here for surprising ways to improve your life instantly!

2. Boost your endurance. Researchers in Japan found that exercising for 20 minutes a day increases your HDL by 2.5 points. That’s not much, but for every additional 10 minutes per day you keep huffing in the gym, you add an extra 1.4 points to your HDL. It doesn’t matter whether you pull a rowing machine or power through a tough barbell routine, just keep your activity level at a point where you’re panting but not out of breath.

3. Build killer quads. Ohio University researchers discovered that men who did lower-body work—squats, leg extensions, leg presses—twice a week for 16 weeks raised their HDL levels by 19 percent. For legs and HDL levels that are something to look at, follow the lead of the men in the study: Do three sets of six to eight repetitions of the half squat, leg extension, and leg press, resting no more than 2 minutes between sets. Use a weight that’s about 85 percent of the amount you can lift just once.

4. Pop a milk pill. In a study published in the American Journal of Medicine, people who took a daily 1,000-mg calcium supplement saw their HDL-cholesterol levels rise by 7 percent. Choose a brand that contains calcium citrate (not coral calcium) and 400 international units of vitamin D for maximum absorption.

5. Make a date with Mrs. Paul. When Canadian researchers compared a steady diet of whitefish with regular consumption of lean beef and chicken, they found that the fish-eating folks experienced a 26 percent increase in HDL2, a particularly protective form of HDL. Remember: Fish sticks aren’t health food—unless they’re baked, like Healthy Selects Sticks from Mrs. Paul’s.

FIX IT WITH FOOD: Check out our list of the 40 Foods with Superpowers—foods that, even in moderation, can strengthen your heart, fortify your bones, and boost your metabolism so you can lose weight more quickly.

6. Learn how to pronounce “policosanol” (poly-CO-sanol). This mixture of alcohols derived from sugarcane wax is the rare natural supplement that may actually live up to its hype. Doses of 10 to 20 mg a day can increase HDL by up to 15 percent, according to David Maron, M.D., a cardiologist at Vanderbilt University medical center. Two brands to try: Naturals and Nature’s Life, both sold at health-food stores.

7. Drink cranberry juice. University of Scranton scientists found that volunteers who drank three 8-ounce glasses a day for a month increased their HDL-cholesterol levels by 10 percent, enough to cut heart-disease risk by almost 40 percent. Buy 100 percent juice that’s at least 27 percent cranberry.

8. Eat grapefruit. One a day can reduce arterial narrowing by 46 percent, lower your LDL cholesterol by more than 10 percent, and help drop your blood pressure by more than 5 points.

9. Don’t let your tank hit empty. A study in the British Medical Journal found that people who eat six or more small meals a day have 5 percent lower LDL cholesterol levels than those who eat one or two large meals. That’s enough to shrink your risk of heart disease by 10 to 20 percent.

10. Eat oatmeal cookies. In a University of Connecticut study, men with high LDL cholesterol (above 200 mg/dL) who ate oat-bran cookies daily for 8 weeks dropped their levels by more than 20 percent.

11. Switch your spread. Buy trans fat-free margarine, such as Smart Balance Buttery Spread. Researchers in Norway found that, compared with butter, no-trans margarine lowered LDL cholesterol by 11 percent.

12. Take the Concord. University of California researchers found that compounds in Concord grapes help slow the formation of artery-clogging LDL cholesterol. The grapes also lower blood pressure by an average of 6 points if you drink just 12 ounces of their juice a day.

13. Swallow phytosterols or phytostanols. Both substances—derived from pine trees and soy—lower bad cholesterol levels by an average of 10 to 15 percent. Besides being available in supplements, the compounds are in cholesterol-lowering spreads like Benecol and Take Control.

14. Be a part-time vegetarian. Researchers in Toronto found that men who added a couple of servings of vegetarian fare such as whole grains, nuts, and beans to their diets each day for a month lowered their LDL cholesterol by nearly 30 percent.

15.  Switch to dark chocolate. Finish researchers found that consuming 2.5 ounces of dark chocolate each day boosts levels of HDL by between 11 and 14 percent.

One final tip: Your heart will benefit more from a few long-term health improvements than from a flurry of activity followed by a return to the dangerous norm. Above are the tools to protect yourself. Work five of them into your daily routine over the next month. When they become second nature, try five more. By year’s end, you will have given your heart a beating chance.

STRANGE BUT TRUE: If beating asthma with sweet potatoes sounds too good to be true, wait till you read these 14 crazy-sounding (but completely true) health tips!

5 Foods That Can Trigger a Stroke


Few things feel more terrifying and random than a stroke, which can strike without warning. And fear of stroke — when a blood vessel in or leading to the brain bursts or is blocked by a blood clot, starving brain cells of oxygen and nutrients — is well founded. After all, stroke is the number-three killer in the U.S., affecting more than 700,000 people each year. Here are five foods that cause the damage that leads to stroke.

1. Crackers, chips, and store-bought pastries and baked goods

Muffins, doughnuts, chips, crackers, and many other baked goods are high in trans fats, which are hydrogenated oils popular with commercial bakeries because they stay solid at room temperature, so the products don’t require refrigeration. Also listed on labels as “partially hydrogenated” or hydrogenated oils, trans fats are found in all kinds of snack foods, frozen foods, and baked goods, including salad dressings, microwave popcorn, stuffing mixes, frozen tater tots and French fries, cake mixes, and whipped toppings. They’re also what makes margarine stay in a solid cube. The worst offenders are fried fast foods such as onion rings, French fries, and fried chicken.
Why it’s bad

For years scientists have known trans fats are dangerous artery-blockers, upping the concentrations of lipids and bad cholesterol in the blood and lowering good cholesterol. Now we can add stroke to the list of dangers. This year researchers at the University of North Carolina found that women who ate 7 grams of trans fat each day — about the amount in two doughnuts or half a serving of French fries — had 30 percent more strokes (the ischemic type, caused by blocked blood flow to the brain) than women who ate just 1 gram a day. Another recent study, also in women, found that trans fats promoted inflammation and higher levels of C-reactive protein, which have been linked to an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.
What to do

Aim to limit trans fats to no more than 1 or 2 grams a day — and preferably none. Avoid fast-food French fries and other fried menu items and study packaged food labels closely. Even better, bake your own cookies, cakes, and other snacks. When you can’t, search out “health-food” alternative snacks, such as Terra brand potato chips and traditional whole grain crackers such as those made by Finn, Wasa, AkMak, Ryvita, and Lavasch.

2. Smoked and processed meats

Whether your weakness is pastrami, sausage, hot dogs, bacon, or a smoked turkey sandwich, the word from the experts is: Watch out.
Why it’s bad

Smoked and processed meats are nasty contributors to stroke risk in two ways: The preserving processes leave them packed with sodium, but even worse are the preservatives used to keep processed meats from going bad. Sodium nitrate and nitrite have been shown by researchers to directly damage blood vessels, causing arteries to harden and narrow. And of course damaged, overly narrow blood vessels are exactly what you don’t want if you fear stroke.

Many studies have linked processed meats to coronary artery disease (CAD); one meta-analysis in the journal Circulation calculated a 42-percent increase in coronary heart disease for those who eat one serving of processed meat a day. Stroke is not the only concern for salami fans; cancer journals have reported numerous studies in the past few years showing that consumption of cured and smoked meats is linked with increased risk of diabetes and higher incidences of numerous types of cancer, including leukemia.
What to do

If a smoked turkey or ham sandwich is your lunch of choice, try to vary your diet, switching to tuna, peanut butter, or other choices several days a week. Or cook turkey and chicken yourself and slice it thin for sandwiches.

How to Tell if Someone Is Having a Stroke

3. Diet soda

Although replacing sugary drinks with diet soda seems like a smart solution for keeping weight down — a heart-healthy goal — it turns out diet soda is likely a major bad guy when it comes to stroke.
Why it’s bad

People who drink a diet soda a day may up their stroke risk by 48 percent. A Columbia University study presented at the American Stroke Association’s 2011 International Stroke Conference followed 2,500 people ages 40 and older and found that daily diet soda drinkers had 60 percent more strokes, heart attacks, and coronary artery disease than those who didn’t drink diet soda. Researchers don’t know exactly how diet soda ups stroke risk — and are following up with further studies — but nutritionists are cautioning anyone concerned about stroke to cut out diet soda pop.
What to do

Substitute more water for soda in your daily diet. It’s the healthiest thirst-quencher by far, researchers say. If you don’t like water, try lemonade, iced tea, or juice.

4. Red meat

This winter, when the respected journal Stroke published a study showing that women who consumed a large portion of red meat each day had a 42-percent higher incidence of stroke, it got nutrition experts talking. The information that red meat, with its high saturated fat content, isn’t healthy for those looking to prevent heart disease and stroke wasn’t exactly news. But the percentage increase (almost 50 percent!) was both startling and solid; the researchers arrived at their finding after following 35,000 Swedish women for ten years.
Why it’s bad

Researchers have long known that the saturated fat in red meat raises the risk of stroke and heart disease by gradually clogging arteries with a buildup of protein plaques. Now it turns out that hemoglobin, the ingredient that gives red meat its high iron content, may pose a specific danger when it comes to stroke. Researchers are investigating whether blood becomes thicker and more viscous as a result of the consumption of so-called heme iron, specifically upping the chance of strokes.
What to do

Aim to substitute more poultry — particularly white meat — and fish, which are low in heme iron, for red meat. Also, choose the heart-healthiest sources of protein whenever you can, especially beans, legumes, nuts, tofu, and nonfat dairy.

5. Canned soup and prepared foods

Whether it’s canned soup, canned spaghetti, or healthy-sounding frozen dinners, prepared foods and mixes rely on sodium to increase flavor and make processed foods taste fresher. Canned soup is cited by nutritionists as the worst offender; one can of canned chicken noodle soup contains more than 1,100 mg of sodium, while many other varieties, from clam chowder to simple tomato, have between 450 and 800 mg per serving. Compare that to the American Heart and Stroke Association’s recommendation of less than1,500 mg of sodium daily and you’ll see the problem. In fact, a nutritionist-led campaign, the National Salt Reduction Initiative, calls on food companies to reduce the salt content in canned soup and other products by 20 percent in the next two years.
Why it’s bad

Salt, or sodium as it’s called on food labels, directly affects stroke risk. In one recent study, people who consumed more than 4,000 mg of sodium daily had more than double the risk of stroke compared to those who ate 2,000 mg or less. Yet the Centers for Disease Control estimate that most Americans eat close to 3,500 mg of sodium per day. Studies show that sodium raises blood pressure, the primary causative factor for stroke. And be warned: Sodium wears many tricky disguises, which allow it to hide in all sorts of foods that we don’t necessarily think of as salty. Some common, safe-sounding ingredients that really mean salt:

Baking soda

Baking powder

MSG (monosodium glutamate)

Disodium phosphate

Sodium alginate

What to do

Make your own homemade soups and entrees, then freeze individual serving-sized portions. Buy low-sodium varieties, but read labels carefully, since not all products marked “low sodium” live up to that promise.



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Point Blank, sebuah Online First Person Shooting Game dengan tingkat realistik tinggi.

Biasanya dalam game online FPS akan terdapat dua buah kubu yang akan saling berhadapan, dalam Point Blank, kedua kubu tersebut adalah CT Force dan Free Rebels.

CT Force

Akibat konflik dengan imigran yang semakin meluas, pemerintah memutuskan dibentuk suatu organisasi khusus untuk menghadapi para teroris, terpilih 30 pasukan elit dalam melaksanakan misi ini.
Sejak dibentuknya organisasi ini, mencari informasi dan keberadaan dari organisasi teroris yang dinamakan Free Rebles. Sejalan dengan meningkatnya ancaman teroris dari organisasi Free Rebels, pemerintah kemudian mengirimkan bantuan pasukan terbaik yang pernah ada di pemerintahan yang kemudian datang dan bergabung dan berganti nama menjadi CT-FORCE (Counter Terrorist Force).

Free Rebels

Semakin bertambahnya imigran yang tidak mendapatkan pekerjaan dan terusir dari masyarakat, sehingga untuk bertahan hidup para imigran kemudian melakukan berbagai macam tindak kriminal dari perampokan hingga pengedaran obat-obatan terlarang.
Aksi kriminal ini berkembang menjadi gerakan yang teroganisir hingga terbentuk organisasi yang dinamakan Free Rebels. Tujuannya tidak lain untuk menguasai seluruh perdagangan obat terlarang dan senjata di seluruh dunia serta menciptakan rasa takut bagi masyarakat.



Peternak Lebah ala Gus Dur

Saat Presiden Abdurrahman Wahid menjabat, Departemen Kehutanan dan Perkebunan (Dephutbun) tidak henti didemo. Setiap hari ada saja kelompok yang berdemonstrasi di departemen yang saat itu dipimpin Nur Mahmudi Ismail.

Tuntutan mereka sama, yang mendeseak pembatalan pengangkatan Sutjipto sebagai Sekjen Dephutbun.

“Sutjipto terlalu tua, copot saja!” teriak salah satu pendemo. “Sutjipto bukan pejabat karir, berikan saja jabatan itu kepada orang dalam!” pekik yang lain. “Pengangkatan Sutjipto berbau KKN, copot saja,” bunyi tulisan sebuah poster yang diacungkan.

Rentetan demonstrasi yang sempat melumpuhkan sebagian kegiatan Dephutbun itu. Pasalnya, tidak sedikit karyawan yang ikutan berdemo, yang pada akhirnya menyerempet posisi Menteri Nur Mahmudi sendiri. Tapi Presiden berkeras supaya Sutjipto dipertahankan.

Dalam suasana seperti itulah cucu KH Hasyim Asy’ari itu, melantik pengurus Perhimpunan Peternak Lebah di Jakarta akhir Maret 2000.

Dalam pidatonya, Gus Dur antara lain memaparkan mengenai kondisi peternakan lebah terkini.

“Kita ini setiap tahun masih mengimpor 350 ribu ton lebah dari luar negeri,” tutur dia.

“Lah, orang-orang yang berdemo itu, daripada mendemo menterinya mbok lebih baik beternak lebah, supaya kita tidak mengimpor lagi!” pinta Gus Dur.

farewell Gusdur


Sejuta Lilin untuk Gus Dur Meski diguyur hujan, puluhan tokoh agama, aktivis pro-demokrasi, dan warga tetap memadati kegiatan bertajuk “Sejuta Lilin Duka Lintas Iman untuk Gus Dur”, Sabtu malam (2/01) di Tugu Proklamasi Jakarta Pusat.

Acara yang sengaja digelar demi mengenang jasa mantan Presiden RI ke-4 dan Ketua PBNU itu dibuka Djohan Effendi, oleh Menteri Sekretaris Negara era Gus Dur.

Setalah itu acara dilanjutkan dengan orasi dari sejumlah tokoh lintas agama dan profesi seperti todung Mulya Lubis, Syafii Anwar, HS Dillon, Gunawan Muhammad, M Dawam Rahardjo dan Ifdhal Kasim.

Pada acara yang digagas Gerakan Antar Iman Se-Indonesia itu, putri bungsu Gus Dur Inayah Wulandari memberi sambutan. “Terus terang atas nama keluarga kami seperti kehabisan kata-kata melihat begitu luar biasanya kecintaan masyarakat terhadap Bapak, termasuk yang hadir di sini. Semoga kita bisa terus memperjuangkan ide-ide Gus Dur di masa mendatang. Terima kasih untuk semua,” katanya dengan suara bergetar.

Usai sambutan Inay, begitu panggilan akrabnya, lalu menyalakan lilin sebagai simbol apresiasi terhadap perjuangan Gus Dur yang menerangi banyak orang terutama kelompok minoritas. Dari lilin yang dipegangnya lilin-lilin yang ada ditangan sejumlah tokoh lintas agama di atas panggung dinyalakan, dan secara estafet ke semua peserta yang hadir malam itu.

Setelah itu acara dilanjutkan dengan doa yang dipanjatkan tokoh lintas agama dan kepercayaaan. Mulai dari kelompok kepercayaan, Sikh, Bahai, Hindu, Budha, Katolik, Kristen, Konghucu, hingga Islam. Doa dilantunkan dengan khidmat.

Acara malam itu juga diisi dengan atraksi “bisu” barongsai, pembacaan puisi dan lagu yang dilantunkan Rieke Diah Pitaloka dan Franky Sahilatua. Peserta juga membubuhkan tanda tangan dukungan untuk menjadikan Gus Dur sebagai pahlawan nasional. Menurut panitia gerakan dukungan ini akan terus dilakukan hingga 100 hari kematian Gus Dur.

Manado City


Top Destinations: Manado City & Beyond
Manado, as cities go, is still considered OK by me. In fact I would probably call it a “big town” as you can still count the traffic lights on your fingers & toes. Over the last several years, Manado has gotten quite bit cleaner (thanks to the current Mayor), market places are more accessible – and we now have a few good restaurants, a good donut shop, and better shopping than 1 year ago. Is there more from a city that you need? Yes but change takes time, so let us hope that it can continue to move in a sustainable fashion.
Manado City

Hotel Gran Puri
Superior Dbl Room Rp. 680,000 Manado City

Hotel Minahasa
A/C Superior Room $35.00 Manado City

Hotel New Queen
Deluxe Room Rp. 550,000

Vicinity of Manado

Hotel Santika Manado
Deluxe Room $86.00 Vicinity of Manado

Hotel Sedona Manado (5*)
1N Deluxe PV Room $56.00 pp Vicinity of Manado

Kima Bajo Resort & Spa
4D/3N Dive Package $535.00

Vicinity of Manado

Minahasa Lagoon
5D/4N Dive Package €976.00 Vicinity of Manado

Murex Dive Resort
3 Night Dive Pkg €250 Manado City

Sintesa Peninsula Hotel (5*)
Superior Dbl Room $110



Healthy Life with Vegetarian Diet

Inggrit F. Kamagi



Vegetarian as the ways of eating and healthy for body has known by public since long time ago. Although it proved that to consume the concerning plants food is healthy than to consume of an animal, vegetarian deemed usual. There are many reasons why some people refuse to be a vegetarian. One of them is because the lack nutrition for body, for example lack of protein, zinc and vitamin B12, be more tired and supple. And some people said that the taste of vegetarian food is tasteless and a little variation.

Actually if us do it well and follow the direction, all of us can do the pattern of vegetarian, and even for baby, teen, and old person. Modern life style that not healthy and the food pattern that not regular can reduce the step of public health.

Kinds of vegetarian

Actually, the vegetarian not consume the food of an animal product. But, between vegetarian, there are some group that still tolerant to consume product of an animal to their menu. Therefore, vegetarian by International Vegetarian Union (IVU) divided based on composition and difficulty.

1. Vegan

Vegan is a pure vegetarian who consume seeds, beans, vegetables, and fruits. Vegan is not consume the food of an product such as meet, fowl, fish, milk, eggs, honey, silk and wool.

2. Lacto vegetarian

Lacto vegetarian is vegetarian who consume concerning plants food and abstain from meets, fowl, fish, and eggs. Lacto vegetarian is still permitted to consume milk, cheese and yoghurt.

3. Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian

Lacto ovo vegetarian is vegetarian who consume concerning plants and not consume meets, fowl, and fish. Lacto ovo vegetarian is still to consume eggs, milk and other product by milk.

Four reasons to being vegetarian

Nowadays, being a vegetarian is easy because the restaurants that served the vegetarian food are too much. If the price is not achieved, there are vegetarian canteens that more economical. The other alternative is cook the vegetarian food by own. The choice to being a vegetarian depended of you. In the following passage there are the reasons that sometimes form the background of someone to being a vegetarian.

1. Healthy

This is the main reason to the people when they choose vegetarian as a life style. Being a vegetarian, means that you were reduce the risk to get diseases like constipation and hemorrhoids, stroke, and cancer. Vegetarian ways of eating can prevent overweight because indirectly the vegetarian has doing a natural diet.

2. Environment

Environment always use for energy conservation, water, land and plants so that the ecology can protected. Most of the teenager, especially in the developed country, change to be a vegetarian because this reason.

3. Financial

Price of vegetarian food is cheaper and achieved than food of an animal. If you change to vegetarian food, your expended to be more thrifty. Healthy life with vegetarian food also can be thrifty your cost for check up to the doctor. In England, insurance premium for someone who are vegetarian is smaller than non-vegetarian. It’s because the vegetarian has a little risk to stricken by heart attack than non-vegetarian.

4. Spiritual

Some religion in this world, suggest their members to be a vegetarian. In their doctrine, nobody can kill the creature like animal and human, even for someone necessity.

Conviction that human created not to consume meet is the powerful reason to be a vegetarian. It can be prove with anatomy by human body and the function than carnivore and herbivore. Carnivore has short and simple absorption system even if the meet will faster to decompose in absorption and quick to excretion. If the decaying result is too old in our body, it can poison our vascular. A carnivore also has nails and has a sharp tusk so easy to rip the prey and swallow without chew it.

How about the human and the herbivore? Human has much sameness with herbivore. Such as, has a same structure of body, like has molar to chew and has a pore as the out way for perspiration to refrigerate the body. The human’s saliva contain of ptyalin to preface absorption for the cereals that consumed. Human drink the water with suck up, not licked like carnivore.

Very clear that human is not as a carnivore. Human doesn’t eat the unripe meat because they don’t have appetite. It has to cook before. Different with carnivore, this animal is not appetite if see the red apple. From the text above, the conclusion that human and herbivore has much sameness, especially about anatomy of absorption organ.


There are many people worried will lack of nutrient if stop to consumed meat. It is wrong, because the research proved that vegetarian food is healthy than meat food. There are some important unsure that have to fulfilled such as protein, calcium, vitamin B12 and zinc. That much be contained in meat whereas, vegetarianism not consumes meat.

In the following are the steps to anticipate the lack of nutrient.

1. Protein

An adult women with weight 120 pound, needs 44 grams of protein per day.

Requirement of protein will be increase if the women is pregnancy, give suck, or very active. An adult man with weight 150 pound needs 56 grams of protein per day. Requirement of protein will be increase to man that very active.

Don’t worry to lack of protein, because the fact proved that protein can come from a plant. Protein only formed on body, and broken to be amino acid. The important function of protein is for growth. For vegan, the needed of protein can be enough with mixed of protein from various grains. For lacto­-ovo vegetarian, protein can be fulfilled by eggs, pulses, milks, and cereals.

2. Calcium

Calcium is very important for healthy bones and teeth. Old green vegetables are the foods who reach of calcium, such as mustard greens, amaranth and broccoli. But, better careful because there are fruits that contain of oxalate acid.

Tofu and Tempe are reaching of protein and as the calcium source. In 100 grams of peanut contained 730 calcium. In 100 grams of soybean is contained 227 mg of calcium. Vitamin D also makes calcium absorbed well. Saturated fatty acid that contained in meat can hampered calcium absorption. And also animal protein can drain calcium from brain.


can find in all green vegetables. Zinc absorption can increase if the vegetables contain of vitamin C. For vegetarian, vitamin C receives from fruits and fresh vegetables.

There are many people worried can be pale and not healthy when they change to be vegetarian. Hunza leg who live in north India and Pakistan famous for their long ages and free from disease. More of them can reach 115 years old. The researcher not found the disease case like appendix, colitis, and cancer. Whereas, Hunza leg just consume fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds, wheat, and goat milk.

Scientist from Harvard clarify that people in mountains of Ecuador reach 120 years old, and even more of them reach 160 years old. The people in Ecuador mountains are vegan (pure vegetarian). So, don’t worry to be a vegetarian.


Why is vitamin B-12 important?

Modern hygienic methods of food production eliminate soil-derived bacteria that produce vitamin B-12. Deficiency of this vitamin results in cognitive (thinking, memory) and other neurologic problems early on. Anemia generally occurs later. Only 2.4 micrograms a day of vitamin B-12 is necessary for adults with normal digestive systems (slightly more for pregnant or lactating women). Fortified soy milk, cereals, or other foods can provide this amount. Otherwise, a supplement of 1,000 micrograms weekly or 2,000 micrograms biweekly should be sufficient. Although eggs contain some vitamin B-12, it may not be as well absorbed as that derived from other animal products, so ovovegetarians should supplement somewhat as well.
Some people, especially the elderly (1 out of 8 persons over age 65), develop vitamin B-12 deficiency because of gastrointestinal absorption problems, and this occurs regardless of what they eat. For them, injections or high oral doses under the supervision of a physician are necessary.

Because vitamin B12 is not contain in concerning plants food, so the vegetarian have to fulfill the vitamin from milk and egg. For vegan (pure vegetarian), vitamin B12 fulfilled from food that has fortification with vitamin B12 like cereals (cornflakes).


The food that usually eats for every day was very influence for our healthy. The body that lack of nutrition will find difficulties in overcoming problems faced, becoming tired quickly and sensitive because the unimportant problem. Instead, when body stay in good condition, generally the mind also will be more fresh and clear in handling problem and able to survive. So, the expression you are what you eat, exactly.

A. Benefit of Vegetarian

All vegetarian require to contemplate the various benefit that can get from pattern eat of vegetarian before they decide to start to follow pattern eat of vegetarian, why the pattern live to abstain this flesh assumed healthier? There are many reason proposed and acceptable altogether logically.


Become a vegetarian mean do not consume flesh. Condition excessively consume flesh without made balance with consume vegetable and fruit consumption can generate risk incured a disease, start from digestion channel disease, like pile and constipation, till the heavy disease like heart, high blood pressure and cancer. Based on various research, fibre, vitamin, and the mineral which is consisted in vegetation food substance, can lessen risk incured the disease because digested easier vegetation food substance and not too old kept in our body. Abstainedly consume flesh hence we can be protected from disease related to animal, like Disease Trap and Nail, disease Anthraks killing, and also the disease which relative newly that is flu bird. Disease trap and nail and anthraks infected by beef, while flu bird infected by poultry.

Dangerous residue like PCB ( Polycarbonated Benzene) and dioksin also frequently found in gross flesh, milk product and fish. The residue can infect by pregnant mother and also the mother which is suckling her child. The impact, child nerve system growth will be annoyed. With vegetarian terms, hence the risk incured both of dangerous residue can minimalized. In our daily life also there are a lot of parasite and bacterium which can bother health.





Poultry flesh, egg, pork, goat

Headache, ill at stomach shares, diarrhea, poke, dehydration, fever, and disappear the aptitte.

E. coli

Cheese, beef, milk, uncooked fish, and dirty food

Stomachache which is hard enough, muscle-bound, pukings, fever, diarrhea, comma, cloting of blood in brain, and death.


Flesh, milk

Dizzy, poke, shock, unconscious, comma


by becoming a vegetarian means that you have partaken share in arranging pattern live. Why? Because a vegetarian have a ability to plan the food that can fulfill all the requirement nutrition for body. This matter also mean that automatically the food that coming into body have been selected.


Sometimes, cholesterol problem related with fat consumption. Cholesterol rate excesivve in blood considered cause heart coroner desease. Nevertheless, fat cannot eliminated from food menu because can generate problem on hormone reaction and transfer vitamin in our body. Some reason supporting accusation cholesterol as primary factor cause of heart sickness, such as;

– Artery wall ossification symptom at human being showing existence accumulate fat ossify in gross. A large amount of fat have high content of cholesterol.

-Patient suffering from heart usually have high cholesterol rate compared cholesterol rate on normal people

-There is a certain relation between flesh consumption with cholesterol on blood. Excelsior consume flesh, hence the cholesterol rate of blood excelsior too.


Best recipe to overcome obesitas is reduce portion eat and add sport.

In fact the descent factor just have a little role in obesity case. There are 8 ways to overcome obesity, such as

1. Try to consume 60-80% food that have high water like fresh fruit and vegetable. This food is very good to detoxification

2. Eat only one solid food type besides fruit and vegetable. Solid food like protein and carbohydrate can be combined with vegetable each time eat’

3. Avoid pure carbohydrate, like wheat, white rice, white bread and crackers. Also avoid the food which have been processed and is not natural again, for example very high fast food that have high calorie. On the contrary multiply natural food consumption. Because natural food seldom be high calorific and relative not fatten

4. Eat ¾ portion ( size measure two full of hand) once eat. Don’T eat four hours before sleep

5. Drink enough water, minimize eight glass per day. Multiply water consumption when you the heavy loss and in course of sweeping

6. Don’T force your self to lose weight body. Let body expand naturally

7. Don’T let yourself hunger, because will bother body metabolism

8. Sport regularly. Try to sport till sweat and above 30 minutes because fat in body will be burned when sport above 30 minutes. Under 30 minutes, body still own reserve energi which enough.

  1. Vegetarian Terms Reduce Disease Risk

All vegetarian generally protected from risk incured by heart sickness and cancer so have own opportunity for the longer life. Others, vegetarian terms also help to lessen other desease, like high blood pressure, osteoporosis, calculus, and diabetes.


Heart sickness as the cause death United States, English, and even the nations in all the world. This disease be responsible to about 50% mortality. Death majority resulted from a heart sickness coroner.

Asphyxia, pain in bone chest, ill in liver, neck felt to be depressed like choked, or the pain in bone which creep to shoulder area and also the left arm until the radius represent symptom early heart attack of coroner which require to be taken heed. Its cause stuffing up of small channel coroner so that the requirement of oxygen on heart muscle not fullfiled.

Consuming abundant flesh can be dangerous for system of circulation of blood because cholesterol found on fat of animal not and difficult to elaborated in body. This fat will arrange in layers venous inner wall continuously. Accumulate from the cholesterol in process of time will cork vein and result difficult blood emit a stream of. This process referred by aterosklerosis. This circumstance make heart have to pump blood gain strength in order to pass of clogged drain of effect stricture. As a result, happen heart attack, stroke, and high blood pressure.


Diabetes Melitus is condition where pancreas cannot again produce insulin in number enough or the body cell condition not respond to yielded insulin. As a result, glucose circulating in blood cannot be permeated by body. This disease marked with a few symptom, like dysuria, tired quickly, and also thirsty and the abundant hungry. word Diabetes come from Greek meaning ” Conducting” because patient of diabetes generally own symptom urinate factious, and excessively.

Every cell in body of human being require energy in order to function. The main energy of body is glucose, that is simple sugar yielded by carbohydrate. The glucose [of] sirculated in blood stream as energy ready for use for all cell of body requiring it. For a while, insulin is hormone produced by pancreas. Insulin patch at exterior of cell of receiver and act as key to open way out come into cell.

Some glucose can be converted to become energy of concentration like glicogen or acid of fat which in the end will be kept by body. When insulin yielded insufficient or the incoming way out of cell not recognize insulin yielded, hence the glucose will constantly within in blood compared to come into body cell.

disease of Diabetes grouped by two type

– Diabetes Type I. this Diabetes start to expand since baby and children. Those who incured by diabetes type I very depend on insulin, because amount of insulin required by body is not fulfilled. Its cause clan factor, virus infection, and immunologis reaction

– Diabetes Type II. This Diabetes start to expand since adult and its not depends on the insulin. Insulin is fulfilled, but receptor of receiver less. This matter generate formed antibody to reseptor, burden of glucose which will be turned too high, and happened improvement of fat hindering tying of insulin by reseptor. Its cause can all kinds of. Heavy addition of body tend to add reseptor of insulin in body so that add insulin effect.

Diabetes often related with raised of cholesterol in blood. Vegetarian diet give protection to it. Association Diabetes English recommend all patient diabetes to do diet which same with pattern eat all vegetarian because all vegetarian tend to consume rich fibre and complex carbohydrate. As we know, stres can make stomach felt full for long time .


Osteoporosis is trouble causing bone become brittle and unable to expostulate body because loss of calcium from bone network. It usually happened to the woman that have menopause. All researcher indicate that vegetarian possible have own risk incured compared to lower osteoporosis than non-vegetarian. This matter proved to the woman that have old age which have of ratio consume protein of higher hewani than concerning plants protein, experiencing of loss of calcium bone of quicker neck and own risk broken the compared to higher bone than old woman which consume of lower animal protein

All non-vegetarian contain rate of higher sulphur in their body which is alighted from animal protein. excess of Sulphur can improve acidity of urine which in the end will improve loss calcium of bigger urine. This matter go together the increasing loss of calcium from system of bone which thrown through channel of urine for filter of acidity of blood that arising out of effect sulphur.


Calculus formed in kidney and cause extraordinary pain of moment released from urine. Why people come down easier than non-vegetarian ? Because high animal protein improve calcium, and oksalat loss through and have risk urine result formed petrify in kidney. Flesh also contain high purin so that cause sour height of blood-vessel in urine. This matter also will improve risk formed of calculus. Other;Dissimilar the things of by non-vegetarian, calculus case seldom be became of vegetarian because them not consume flesh


Pursuant To National of Cancer Institute, 80% case of cancer in the world depend on factors which had identificated and have potency to controlled, that is factor of mistake of pattern eat, cigarette habit, pollution, radiation, and the medication. Even not only can control the factors to prevent the happening of cancer, we also have the potency to increase sum up patient capable to live on after diagnosed cancer.

Cancer became of moment a cell start to split their self is not controlled so that result which can destroy network of body and disseminate to shares of othe body. Tthirty percents of case because tobacco . cancer of Lung is clearest example, although still a lot of other example.

A lot of researching indicated that cancer more common became to population of human being that consuming fatty food, especially flesh. A reason to provide an explanation is, because the victuals influence hormone in body, also influence system of impenetrability of body and other factor. The factors is:

– 35 – 60% because of mistake of pattern eat

– 30% effect of tobacco

– 5% effec of pollution of air and irrigate

– 3% effect of radiation and

– 2% effect of medication.

Actually, Oxygen is the necessary for the continuity of human life, but oxygen used by body not all stay in stable form. unstable oxygen referred as a free radical, which can groan cell membrane, and even destroy DNA in nucleus cell

C. the Vegetarian Prevent Constipate

Constipate interpreted as trouble defecate, with frequency defecate more than three-days. This circumstance often joined with flatulent stomach, often flatus, headache, and pain in bone of moment defecate.

Pattern eat and rich of animal protein have potency tog enerate konstipate, because in flesh not contain fibre at all. And surely not made balance to vegetable, fruits and water which enough. Differ with from pattern eat that rich of animal protein, vegetarian terms is rich of fibere and lower fat, so that this terms can prevent konstipate. hard Konstipate can generate problem of serious health, that is trigger the happening of large intestine cancer

Become a that vegetarian is easy . To experience pattern live as a vegetarian needed a settled intention. Intention based on the reason of health and suggested by nutritionist and doctor generally more successful. Mostly the people realize that health very valuable so that require to be taken care of

A. the Early Stage To Become Vegetarian

There are immeasurable way to become a vegetarian. Way of which ekstrem that is only consume vegetation food substance and direct discontinue flesh consumption, egg, milk.. But there is also someone who use the way of in phases.

First way can result serious health problem, especially if pertinent own health history which less nicely previously. Moreover the somebody habit is very difficult altered by drastic. The second way is the most followed by all beginner and possible as the good way to really earn healthy life as vegetarian.

B. Guidance to all Beginner

Frequently, all beginner doubt in applying pattern live vegetarian so that easy to tempted [ if see the fleshly menu presented at home and or in restaurant. easy Tips And trik in the following is can be made a guidance, especially for begin step to real vegetarian.

First. Buy cookbook of special cookery to all vegetarian so that the food can be made own at home without need go to restaurant. This matter of course will lessen expenditure because price of food of vegetarian in restaurant tend to costly. Others the substance which consisted cannot be controlled, include of substance of used flavore. Require to be paid attention to, don’t use gelatine coming from animal fat

Second. Select;Choose some most menu taken a fancy to and] easy to cooked.

Third. Familiarizing to always breakfast. With breakfast, desire to eat fleshly food owning a lot of manageable fat. Others, breakfast also can prevent desire consume food excessively when night or day because eating in the morning. In the morning, glucose in body be at lowest and breakfast provide important nutrient required by body. Eat breakfast ¼ part of totalizeing the food one day. But better don’t only consume bread and copy, or copy and sereal. Try to eat complete nutritious food to add energy in early day because interval between breakfast and lunch sufficiently long, while energy very required for beraktifitas. Morning breakfast which enough can lessen risk incured by obesity.

Fourth . Identifying situation that push desire to tend to to return to consume flesh. Look for best solution to each problems. For example, nuptials reception or banquet party is very moment lure. Before leaving, stomach better have been filled from home so that in place the reception or feast not quickly tempted with menu which seems like pudding and fruits can be tried the hunger not during event take place. There is also the type of someone who tend to eat more amount at the time of sorrowful and also stress. This matter can cause risk obesity though the food consumed by vegetarian food. Try to call away the attention from food at the time of sorrowful and stress. Possible by phoning friend or take the air. Besides mind become calmer, badanpun become healthier

Fifth. Shall not place food especially containing in evidence animal food substance in place. Placing food in place den defect so not bewitch eye.

Sixth. Eat nutritious and fibrous food variedly. This matter can prevent anaemia, vitamin B12 insuffiency, and lack of protein.

Seventh. Portion eat everyday have to the consistence, not less and fair-sized.

Eight. Use flesh substitute food product which not fail its delicious like gluten, so that tasty eat flesh remain to can be felt, though only imitate. Make new creations so that the food dish which laid out on the table remain to draw appetite eat.

Ninth. Always do physical activity. light athletic Routine though, like walking along, earn membust body become more hale and can lessen risk incured by heart sickness of high blood pressure and

tenth. Consume Food which have difortfication with vitamin B12, especially to all vegan. Needn’T consume suplemen and surely abundant until because this matter can cause various health problem. In the following , problems which possible emerge

– Vitamin C requirement for the men and woman is 60 mg. if consumed redundantly can improve risk incured by a calculus, queasy, gas excess, diarrhoea, altering sour balance basa, there are oksalat in urine

– Calcium requirement for the woman is 500-600 mg, while for the man range from 500-800 mg. calcium excess can cause constipation, calculus risk, kidney damage, and the mineral absorbtion trouble. Calcium have to in the form of organic protein tying or as well as real correct in balance with other mineral before body can exploit.

– Ferrum requirement for the man is 13 mg, while for the higher iron requirement woman, that is 26 mg. ferrum excess can generate infection, because ferrum become especial food bacterium patogen. Iron conceived by a sword have double eye.


Planning of Well-Balanced Menu

Planning of well-balanced Menu for requirement of everyday body mean related/relevant with immeasurable election type of food to increase and maintain body health. This matter related/relevant also with election of substance of food making healthy, mamiliki of goal feel delicious, at one blow tamapak draw.

addition of Fat can improve delicacy of cookery because function of fat in food earn give crispy, giving quality crackers, and also give the nature of soft cake. Fat which is there are in food-stuff, about 90% its represent fat in the form of trigliserida, while remains 10% in the form of cholesterol and fosfolipid.

Fat coming from product of animal generally contain a large amount of acid of saturated fat. On the contrary protein of vegetation food, except palm oil, containing a large amount of acid of fat is not saturated related to length. use of Substance of food containing fat shall not be abundant. More and more saturated fat consumed, excelsior also rate of cholesterol in blood. This matter can generate serious problem because cholesterol become ringleader incidence of heart sickness.

Ideally, very food contain some important nutrient and always in each menu. matter of Ii [of] pursuant to consideration that some type of nutrient cannot be kept in body so that need supply regularly. For example, when protein is not consumed with carbohydrate hence the protein will be used as source energy, non to build body network

Some food only own one or some type nutrition, there is no food containing complete nutrient required by body, way of best to plan well-balanced menu dissociatedly is food of pursuant to nutrient which is consisted in it. Herein after, the victuals combined in each times;rill eat. Classification of food pursuant to content of nutrient shall be as follows.





Soy, tempe, know, egg, cheese, milk, red bean, other legume.

Protein, vitamin B-Complex, vitamin A, vitamin D, and mineral.


Rice, sereal, bread, pasta, other staple food.

Carbohydrate for energi body, vitamin E, mineral, and fibre.


Vegetable oil, salad oil, butter, milk cream, and margarine.

Fat for long-range energi, vitamin A, vitamin D.


Fruits and vegetables

Vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, fibre

Breakfast menu, lunch, and dine possible can fulfill requirement of nutrisi body, but light food consumed among breakfast, lunch and dine also can assist to fulfill nutrient requirement.

delicious Food election likely at one blow can make healthy, depend on some factor, that is the following

– Vegetarian food generally felt insipid. Food delicacy depend on substance flavourf eel and the used flavour. Of course the and sereal legume own goal feel separate, but frequently can improve food delicacy. Important to remember, don’t use same flavour in each cookery because can generate boredom each time will dine food.

– Tecsture Food require to be paid attention to. is combine immeasurable food of tecsture food on one dish. For example combining vegetable potato or cream soup and with vegetable casserole – Food appearance can improve appetite eat. food Substance colour require to be combined in order to more immeasurable. Better be avoided by the food substance which entirely the white chromatic or the cacao. Cookery arranged in such a manner in order to [his/its] appearance more inspired appetite.

– raw and matured Food portion in one day require to be reckoned in order to for certain the body get required nutrisi. It is important to know that mineral and vitamin which is consisted in vegetables and also cleaned easy fruits or destroy by warm-up. So, vegetables, fruits and eaten raw of loss will not nutrient. But, better be cleaned beforehand in order to residue pesticide which patch will not be non-stoped to come into body. Vegetable like cress also very good dined raw as lalapan because containing betakaroten. Betakaroten represent one of antioksidan which can protect to our body.




Orange juice, fried rice vegetable, omellette, fresh vegetable cucumber, tomato, soy milk.




Rice, maize rissole, tempe fry, rendang proteina, watermelon




Rice, capcay, tofu, soup of asparagus cream, mango



Papaya, white rice, string bean, tauge


Mush of green bean


White rice, capcay, red bean soup, sweet sour soybean cake.




White rice, sour vegetable, tempe fried, fresh vegetable cucumber, melon.



Pineapple juice, bread, margarine, fruit jam.




White rice, cah brocolli + tofu + ear mushroom, balado.


Water melon


Mie Gravy + mustard + bakso from gluten, pagsit fry content tofu, apple



Banana, rice, pecel, tempe and fry




White Rice, vegetable soup, broil gluten, apple


Lumpia + saus


White rice, rissole know, bakwan, banana



Orange juice, rice, bihun fry, mix vegetable




White Rice, soto vegetarian, potato rissole, papaya


Maize braise


White rice, tumis kangkung + know, soybean cake fill, apple



Banana, fried rice, know cucumber content




Hodgepodge, bottle tea




White rice, , tofu, string bean, milk banana


Apple juice, rice, sweet sour soybean cake.




White Rice, piccalilli, potato rissole, banana




White Rice, kangkung cah + taoge, bakwan, egg of saus ketchup, orange




VEGETARIAN is simple terms that easy to made without lack of nutrient. Vegetarian also means someone who not consumes all kinds of flesh, fish, fowl or animal and just consumes fruits, vegetables, seeds, and legumes.


1. Vegan

Vegan is a pure vegetarian who consume seeds, beans, vegetables, and fruits. Vegan is not consume the food of an product such as meet, fowl, fish, milk, eggs, honey, silk and wool.

2. Lacto vegetarian

Lacto vegetarian is vegetarian who consume concerning plants food and abstain from meets, fowl, fish, and eggs. Lacto vegetarian is still permitted to consume milk, cheese and yoghurt.

3. Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian

Lacto ovo vegetarian is vegetarian who consume concerning plants and not consume meets, fowl, and fish. Lacto ovo vegetarian is still to consume eggs, milk and other product by milk.

Four reasons being vegetarian

Nowadays, being a vegetarian is easy because the restaurants that served the vegetarian food are too much. If the price is not achieved, there are vegetarian canteens that more economical. The other alternative is cook the vegetarian food by own. The choice to being a vegetarian depended of you. In the following passage there are the reasons that sometimes form the background of someone to being a vegetarian.

1. Healthy

This is the main reason to the people when they choose vegetarian as a life style. Being a vegetarian, means that you were reduce the risk to get diseases like constipation and hemorrhoids, stroke, and cancer. Vegetarian ways of eating can prevent overweight because indirectly the vegetarian has doing a natural diet.

2. Environment

Environment always use for energy conservation, water, land and plants so that the ecology can protected. Most of the teenager, especially in the developed country, change to be a vegetarian because this reason.

3. Financial

Price of vegetarian food is cheaper and achieved than food of an animal. If you change to vegetarian food, your expended to be more thrifty. Healthy life with vegetarian food also can be thrifty your cost for check up to the doctor. In England, insurance premium for someone who are vegetarian is smaller than non-vegetarian. It’s because the vegetarian has a little risk to stricken by heart attack than non-vegetarian.

4. Spiritual

Some religion in this world, suggest their members to be a vegetarian. In their doctrine, nobody can kill the creature like animal and human, even for someone necessity.

C. Benefit of Vegetarian

All vegetarian require to contemplate the various benefit that can get from pattern eat of vegetarian before they decide to start to follow pattern eat of vegetarian, why the pattern live to abstain this flesh assumed healthier? There are many reason proposed and acceptable altogether logically.


Become a vegetarian mean do not consume flesh. Condition excessively consume flesh without made balance with consume vegetable and fruit consumption can generate risk incured a disease, start from digestion channel disease, like pile and constipation, till the heavy disease like heart, high blood pressure and cancer. Based on various research, fibre, vitamin, and the mineral which is consisted in vegetation food substance, can lessen risk incured the disease because digested easier vegetation food substance and not too old kept in our body. Abstainedly consume flesh hence we can be protected from disease related to animal, like Disease Trap and Nail, disease Anthraks killing, and also the disease which relative newly that is flu bird. Disease trap and nail and anthraks infected by beef, while flu bird infected by poultry.

Dangerous residue like PCB ( Polycarbonated Benzene) and dioksin also frequently found in gross flesh, milk product and fish. The residue can infect by pregnant mother and also the mother which is suckling her child. The impact, child nerve system growth will be annoyed. With vegetarian terms, hence the risk incured both of dangerous residue can minimalized. In our daily life also there are a lot of parasite and bacterium which can bother health.





Poultry flesh, egg, pork, goat

Headache, ill at stomach shares, diarrhea, poke, dehydration, fever, and disappear the aptitte.

E. coli

Cheese, beef, milk, uncooked fish, and dirty food

Stomachache which is hard enough, muscle-bound, pukings, fever, diarrhea, comma, cloting of blood in brain, and death.


Flesh, milk

Dizzy, poke, shock, unconscious, comma


by becoming a vegetarian means that you have partaken share in arranging pattern live. Why? Because a vegetarian have a ability to plan the food that can fulfill all the requirement nutrition for body. This matter also mean that automatically the food that coming into body have been selected.


Sometimes, cholesterol problem related with fat consumption. Cholesterol rate excesivve in blood considered cause heart coroner desease. Nevertheless, fat cannot eliminated from food menu because can generate problem on hormone reaction and transfer vitamin in our body. Some reason supporting accusation cholesterol as primary factor cause of heart sickness, such as;

– Artery wall ossification symptom at human being showing existence accumulate fat ossify in gross. A large amount of fat have high content of cholesterol.

-Patient suffering from heart usually have high cholesterol rate compared cholesterol rate on normal people

-There is a certain relation between flesh consumption with cholesterol on blood. Excelsior consume flesh, hence the cholesterol rate of blood excelsior too.


Best recipe to overcome obesitas is reduce portion eat and add sport.

In fact the descent factor just have a little role in obesity case. There are 8 ways to overcome obesity, such as

1.Try to consume 60-80% food that have high water like fresh fruit and vegetable. This food is very good to detoxification

2.Eat only one solid food type besides fruit and vegetable. Solid food like protein and carbohydrate can be combined with vegetable each time eat’

3.Avoid pure carbohydrate, like wheat, white rice, white bread and crackers. Also avoid the food which have been processed and is not natural again, for example very high fast food that have high calorie. On the contrary multiply natural food consumption. Because natural food seldom be high calorific and relative not fatten

4.Eat ¾ portion ( size measure two full of hand) once eat. Don’T eat four hours before sleep

5.Drink enough water, minimize eight glass per day. Multiply water consumption when you the heavy loss and in course of sweeping

6.Don’T force your self to lose weight body. Let body expand naturally

7.Don’T let yourself hunger, because will bother body metabolism

8.Sport regularly. Try to sport till sweat and above 30 minutes because fat in body will be burned when sport above 30 minutes. Under 30 minutes, body still own reserve energi which enough.


Modern life style that not healthy and the food pattern that not regular can reduce the step of public health. That’s why, start from now, we try to life healthy with vegetarian diet because it can reduce risk from disease, and life longer with good nutrient.

Vegetarian food

images q







Widjaya, Hendry. 2007. Vegetarian. Jakarta; Penebar Plus

Sukarini, Kembarini. 2007.Pola Hidup Sehat “Daging Tiruan”. Jakarta: Gramedia

Susianto. 2007. Menu Vegetarian. Jakarta: Gramedia


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Ada beberapa cara yang bisa digunakan untuk mempercantik anggrek, yaitu menggunakan pakis. Umumnya, penghuni media tanam ini adalah anggrek jenis dendron. Dengan ditempel di tembok, pakis yang ditanam akan membuat anggrek terlihat cantik.

Namun untuk lebih mempercantik lagi, pakis bisa digantung. Cara ini biasanya digunakan untuk menghias ruangan yang menyisakan banyak ruang kosong.

Untuk jenis anggrek bulan, biasanya jenis ini tidak suka panas. Sedangkan untuk jenis dendron membutuhkan panas sekitar 70%. Untuk mendapatkan besaran cahaya ini biasanya digunakan paranet. Untuk hasil maksimal, media tanam mos lebih dianjurkan.

Mos adalah campuran ganggang laut dan akar kandaka. Kedua jenis media tanam itu cocok untuk anggrek, karena dinilai memberikan nutrisi yang cukup